Low Health Expectancy

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What are the factors which could contributes to low health expectancy in developed countries? In the recent years world has witnessed a dramatic advancement in health and medicine sectors but in the same time there was a dramatic rise in the rate of chronic diseases and disability in developed contraries. Health expectancy is defined as “Health expectancy defined as the average of all the future individual health expectancies for the people comprising the population at a given point of time.” Murray (2002). What is the reason of the huge rate of the serious diseases, such as: cancer in developed countries? How can the governments and the organizations solve this issue? Can the citizens participate with the government to put a limit to the fast speared of the diseases? All these questions will be discussed in this essay in order to increase the health expectancy. The biggest factor that contributes to low health expectancy is smoking. Many people die every year and others suffering from cancer due to smoking. According to The NHS Information Centre report (2010), Around 81,400 deaths (18% of all deaths of adults aged 35 and over) were estimated to be caused by smoking. That’s shows how big the issue of smoking in the UK and in the others developed countries. The governments try to minimize the problem by legislation. Jean King, Cancer Research UK's director of tobacco control, (2008) said: "The smoke-free law was introduced to protect the health of workers from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. The results show it has also encouraged smokers to quit. These laws are saving lives and we mustn't forget that half of all smokers die from tobacco-related illness. We must do everything possible to continue this success – we now need a national tobacco control plan for the next five years." Because smoking is optional and breathing is not, UK government ban
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