Love In The Time Of Cholera

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Yesenia Cabrera Expository Composition Per: 4 Book Report: Love in the time of Cholera By Gabriel Garcia Marquez Love in the time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a novel that describes the main character, Florentino Ariza, as a person who stands for love. After his father’s death when he is only ten years old Florentino is forced to leave school and work as an apprentice in the Postal Agency, where he is in charge of opening sacks, sorting letters, and notifying the public that mail had arrived. He sees the love of his life, Fermina Daza, for the first time when the telegraph operator, Lotario Thugut, asks him to deliver a telegram to Fermina’s father, Lorenzo Daza. As he is leaving the Daza’s house he passes by the sewing room of the house and sees Fermina giving her aunt Escolastica a lesson. From that moment on Florentino begins his pursue of love towards her. He figures out where she goes to school, at what time she walks with her aunt through town, and he even sits in front of her house where there is this little park pretending to read. His mother, Transito Ariza, becomes concerned about his health that she considers him having symptoms of Cholera when it really is love. He begins to send her love letters and she writes back with the same enthusiasm as he but not long before she gets caught in her school that instead of taking notes she dedicates her time to write back to Florentino. The consequences are her getting expelled from the school and her father forbidding her to write to him again. Florentino asks her to marry him and she had says yes but after her father takes her on a long trip and they come back, she passes what they had as an illusion. After her return Fermina is no longer the innocent girl but she is now poised and sophisticated. She ends up marrying Dr. Juvenal Urbino and they have two children: Dr. Juvenal Urbino Daza and Ofelia
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