Logistics Case 1

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Questions 1. What is the critical issue(s) confronting WCC North America? The Critical issues confronting WCC North America are; low customer service ratings as a result of dissatisfaction with the order information process, industry over capacity with additional capacity soon coming online in Korea and China, managing finished goods inventories, and the company also does not have a good match between company needs and their supply chain management. 2. What changes, if any, should be initiated to address the critical issue(s)? The high level of dissatisfaction customers have with the order information process could be reduced with the implementation of the total quality management philosophy. TCM includes top management commitment and support, a maintained customer focus in product, service and process performance, integrated operations within and between organizations, as well as commitment to continuous improvement. Dealing with industry over capacity WCC is already getting into specialized products that will help to stand them apart to confront the issue of over capacity. It is still important however that they streamline and perfect processes to lower cost and raise overall customer satisfaction. When is comes to managing finished goods and inventories WCC is experiencing a high volume of finished good storage in order to keep up with sporadic demand. To help combat this WCC should consider Just-in-Time techniques, which is receiving materials needed to produce goods when they are needed for production to eliminate storing. WCC should also consider looking into creating or modifying the current safety stock with combined uncertainty practices, which will help WCC to only store enough manufactured goods to cover the possibility of an influx in a certain items sales in order to keep stock levels low. WCC also needs to have a good match
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