Living Outside the Box

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Living Outside The Box What does living abroad really mean? actually, it depends where you are located. Living abroad means living anywhere except in the country where you are currently located. That also means living away from your own real home that where you have born. The difference in cultures is really part of the fun of traveling and meeting people. How boring life would be if we were all to live the same way, talk the same way, do the same things and eat the same food. In my opinion, I would like to imagine a world where home could be anywhere, but is also everywhere. which means, living abroad would still be like living at home. Many people think that they can gain skills, receive better education, and earn a useful experience. That's why they want to live abroad. Why study abroad? Nowadays more and more students choose the universities in foreign countries. In my opinion, there are three reasons of studying abroad. The first one is to possess world standard education. When I was in school, I dreamed of studying in a foreign country, especially in the United States. Being independent and exploring the unknown attracted my attention. I always had a desire to learn and get to know foreign people and their culture. the United States is one of the industrialized countries where the technology has been developed and there are many study facilities. Because of these reasons and world standard education, I decided to go to the United States and studied at California State University of Northridge University. Secondly, the other reason of studying abroad is the career development. People should have world recognizable skills to be the best in their own work field. For example, my brother studied as computer engineer in the United States. Nowadays, he works in one of the best companies in my country as computer engineer. Thirdly, the last reason is the

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