Living on Campus

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Some students prefer to live on campus in a dormitory. Others prefer to live in an apartment or house off campus. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. ---------------- In life, everyone needs a place to come back after a hard day, to relax, to rest, to live. With students who are far from home, there are many choices; they can live in apartments, houses off campus, or dormitories. In my opinion, I prefer to live on campus in a dormitory. Deciding to live on campus or off campus means you are far from home. There is no rule or no one to tell you what to do, or to keep you from bad things. Hence, you need rules to make sure you are not get in troubles; because of your easy-going campus life. For example, if you live off campus in a house or apartment, you are free to hang out at midnight. However, if you live on campus in a dormitory, it is impossible to do that because there is rule to stipulate the time you can be outside. Secondly, in any society, there are many complicated kinds of people. Thus, living on campus can restrain you from meeting bad guys, criminals. Moreover, people who live on campus are your schoolmates, if you get in troubles with them; it can be solved easier than with strange people. Therefore, dormitory on campus is a much safer place to live than in an apartment or house off campus. Finally, living on campus in a dormitory is more convenient for students. For example, you can save you time going to school. Moreover, the environment of campus is more quiet and peaceful. This makes your study better because you can easily focus to your homework. If you live off campus, you can be distracted by shopping malls, game centers, pubs, or bars. In conclusion, living on campus in a dormitory is the best choice to live your campus
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