Living in a Large City

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Barbara Roman October 3,2012 EN 070 08 Professor Cotto Living in a large city There are many advantages and disadvantages when living in a large city. People from all over the world deal with these advantages and disadvantages everyday. A big city is where you can see many vehicles, many skyscrapers, many people with a hurry pace of life. That place can fascinate us very much due to its light and luxury but it can also be tough for other people in certain situations. One advantage there is when living in a large city is because of the entertainment . There is entertainment on every corner you go ! From restaurants having live bands playing to Musical Theaters in where singers come and sing every night. You would always find something new and entertaining and you will never be bored ! Another advantage is that people have a better chance to work . There are much more opportunities out there then living in a small city. You get to develop experience in so many different jobs and places. In a big city, people have a better chance of choosing in what university they want to study in . As well as buying take-out food . You are not limited to specific restaurants, you have a bunch of them with different cultural food everywhere ! As there is advantages , there’s also disadvantages. Over crowd-ness plays a big role when living in a large city. On a weekday at 7 am in the morning , all you feel is people’s heat and all you smell is stinky breath on the trains. The seats are not visible and the trains are just packed. People shoving and pushing just doesn’t put you in a good mood. Restaurants are also always crowded . Instead of going in and eating right away , you have to wait for an open table and on a long line . Another disadvantage of living in a big city is that people aren’t as friendly as they are in the countryside . Since the majority of
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