Live Off Campus Vs Live On Campus

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Should FDU require international students to live on campus? Chao Feng English for Professional Success EPS 5101 10/16/2010 Should FDU require international students to live on campus? Living on campus or living at home when attending a college or university has become the controversial issue. Some students prefer to live on campus. Some others think live off campus is better. According to a recent survey, there are more than 75% students who like live off campus. In my opinion, although living off campus has its merits and demerits, it is better than living on campus. In the first place, one advantage of living off campus is that roommates can be selected. People from different countries have their own cultures and habits. It is difficult for them to get along with each other. This inevitably will lead some conflicts in school life. For example, when I was in college, I lived with three girls in a dorm room. They always make noisy when I was reading the book or doing the homework. In that circumstance, I cannot focus on the study. I felt uncomfortable and angry. It is perfect if the roommates can consider my feelings and can study together with me. However, I can not choose the roommates whom I want if I live on campus. In contrast, if I can live off-campus, I do not need to worry about how to live together with the roommates who have different habits. Secondly, it is more comfortable and free to live off campus because we do not have to comply with the regulations of campus. Almost every campus has rules and regulations to keep everything in order. However, sometimes I feel uncomfortable for these regulations. For example, I lived on campus in Shanghai University for 5 years. Each time my friends or my family visited me, they need to register their information and my room number. Also, I cannot leave dorm after 11:00 pm because the dorm
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