Live, Laugh, Love

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My Personal Mission Statement: Live, Laugh & Love The picture above is my personal mission statement. I feel that this is the perfect way to look/live your life because this is the whole meaning to life. We always need to live like theirs no tomorrow because none ever knows what will happen tomorrow so you need to live for the moments we have now. We can’t live worrying about when we are going to die or what’s going to happen next because then we will miss out on all the fun/good stuff happening now. Laugh every chance you get, you don’t want to be upset all the time and there are so many good things in life to smile about. You never know who could be falling in love with your smile so we should smile all the time. Love everyone you meet, we need to give everyone a chance. You never know who you will have a lot in common with so always give everyone a chance until they give you a reason not to. Yet again who can have too many friends? Make sure you let the people that are important to you know, because you never know what can happen. Learn from your mistakes, so you don’t make them again, everyone makes mistakes and it’s a part of life. It is how we learn what is wrong and what is right. We make a mistake and learn that it was wrong so then we know not to make that mistake again. There is no need to get upset over making a mistake, everyone does it just as long as you learn from it and don’t make it again, and everything will be fine. Just make the mistake and learn from it and move on. That’s life, live it. Love it. Learn from it. All we can do is live our lives the way we want to and make sure that we love the person we are and love the life we have and learn from our mistakes and learn from everything we do. Just make sure you live your life the way you want it to
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