Literature Review on Eating Disorders

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Eating Disorders2 We have all heard the typical stereotype of the “perfect body”. Who really has a perfect body anyways, and what does it look like? Are all the girls supposed to be tiny and thin, and all the guys supposed to be macho muscle men? No, and if that was true we all would have been created that way. Due to today's media and today's culture, many people are destroying their bodies, to achieve that perfect image. All the blame cannot be put on the social media however. Psychological and mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, the loss of control, and the need for attention are also major contributors to the pathway to eating disorders. Eating disorders are most common in teenagers, and mostly common among females, although there are many males that are also affected by this disease. There are 3 types of eating disorders out there that affect millions of people around the world. The first is Anorexia Nervosa which causes extreme weight loss due to extreme food reduction. Secondly, Bulimia Nervosa which is uncontrollable binge eating, followed by purging (throwing up) and lastly Binge Eating which is periods of overeating, but without the purging. T?he effect of the media on how the ideal body should look is turning many people into believing that they do not look good enough. By looking at the medias portrayal of the ideal physique, there is an increase in the body image concerns about themselves. In a research article by Hausenblas (2012) an experiment was conducted. A meta-analysis of laboratory studies examined the effects of acute exposure to the medias portrayal of the ideal body on eating disorders symptoms (i.e. Body image, self esteem, anger, anxiety, and depression) and the mechanisms that moderate this effect. Small to moderate effects of media exposure on body image and eating disturbed symptoms were found. However, further research is

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