Literature Review: Gender Differences and Emotional Intelligence

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Gender differences and emotional intelligence In this current era, men and women are more likely to have equal amount of intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the new concept of general intelligence whereby emotional intelligence is the capacity to recognize and manage the emotions of one’s self (Mayer and Salovey, 1997). Emotional intelligence has two components which are interpersonal intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence which was introduced by Gardner (1983). Hence, gender plays a major role on having emotional intelligence which is essential for their intellectual growth, understanding, perception and their emotional expressions. According to the research conducted by Zafra (2012) on the gender stereotype of the relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership, recruited four hundred thirty-one undergraduates who were Spanish. Participants were assigned into three different conditions to complete a set of questionnaire. Results indicated significant differences between the different conditions. Thus, female participants showed higher scores compared to male participants in transformational leadership. Also, female participants scored lower than male participants in emotional repair recovery. In addition, both male and female participants did not vary in emotional attention. Another research was carried out by Alumran (2008) on Bahraini adolescents and the association between gender, academic achievement, age and emotional intelligence. Participants were 312 Bahraini adolescents randomly selected from schools and the University of Bahrain. The participants completed Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version-Short Form (EQ-i:YV) as well as surveys. The findings showed that gender was significantly connected with the coping styles and the emotional intelligence of the adolescence. Hence, age main effect and gender age
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