Literature On Two Different Instructional Styles

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4. Locate literature on at least two different instructional styles for teaching the same topic. 4a. Compare and contrast the outlines for the unit plans; 4b. Select the outline that you would use. Justify your choice. The two different instructional styles to be discussed here are a knowledge-focused classroom (instructional style) versus a learner-focused classroom (instructional style). The fundamental observable contrast between the two styles is this: In a prototypal “Knowledge-Focused” classroom, the instructor delivers challenging learning content. In a prototypal “Learner-Focused” classroom, the instructor facilitates a motivating learning process. A central aspect of the Learner-Focused instruction is motivating the learner to want to learn; this concern is absent from the Knowledge-Focused instruction. References to the two styles (by various names) are traced back to 1895, and ultimately to Rousseau (Grove, 2005). These two different styles can be seen at play in the unit plans of traditional public school classrooms (knowledge-focused) as compared to the unit plans of Montessori classrooms (learner-focused). For example, in a public school classroom, the instructor gives students a science assignment in which they are required to find and collect the leaves from 10 (specified) trees, They are to paste these leaves in a journal and provide a written journal article comparing and contrasting the observable differences between the leaves in terms of shape, size, color, texture, etc. The assignment will be evaluated in terms of written feedback from the instructor and a letter grade will also be assigned. On the other hand, in the Montessori classroom, the exact same assignment is given; however the center piece of the Montessori approach is allowing children to learn on their own while being guided by the teacher. Thereby, the Montessori
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