Literary Theory and Nalo Hopkinson

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Taruna Seebaransingh Dr. Vijay Maharaj Ms. Shannon Julien LITS 2307 16th November 2012 Brewton (2005) defines literary theory as the body of ideas and methods used in the practical reading of literature. In other words, literary theory refers to underlying principles, or tools by which we attempt to understand literature. Therefore, in the novel Midnight Robber, Hopkinson spearheads a literary masterpiece through which the theories of postmodernism and post colonialism is most applicable and can be effectively read. There is no set definition for the theoretical viewpoints, but rather an assorted array of characteristics associated to the terms which can be described as postmodern or postcolonial. Nalo Hopkinson’s Midnight Robber portrays a manifestation of various characteristics of postmodernism, such as irony, the incredulity of metanarratives, temporal distortion, pastiche, technoculture, hyperreality, intertextuality, metafiction and histographic metafiction, as well as characteristics of postcolonialism such as Orientalism, pluralism, identity, double consciousness, colonization and resistance. Typical of the chaotic nature of postmodern literature, the literary techniques utilized in Midnight Robber aim to mock the reality and logical sense of reason which is characteristic of the period of modernism. The irony of postmodernity denies a difference between what is real and what is appearance and even embraces incoherence and lack of meaning (Coletta, 2009). Therefore, irony is another vehicle through which the line between the real and unreal is blurred. In other words, ‘meaning’, through post modern irony is constructed through interpretation, rather than perceived or understood. Postmodern irony is also clever, subjective, cynical, chaotic and disorderly. Techniques of mockery such as irony, sarcasm, satire, and black humor are

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