Like Water For Chocolate Character Analysis Essay

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In Laura Esquivel’s Like Water for Chocolate, Tita is obligated to serve Mama Elena until Mama Elena dies because Tita is the youngest daughter in the De la Garza family. As a result, Mama Elena denies Tita the right to marry Pedro and treats her as if she is a slave. The only sanctuary Tita can retreat to is the kitchen, where she spends most of her time with Nacha. Nacha transcends her role as the family cook and becomes Tita’s fairy godmother by serving as Tita’s confidante, guide, and source of comfort and happiness—even after her death. Nacha serves as Tita’s confidante. When Tita prepares the cake for Pedro and Rosaura’s wedding, Nacha allows Tita to express her trauma over the fact that her lover is marrying her sister: “Now we’re alone in the kitchen, so go ahead and cry, my child, because I don’t want…show more content…
When Chencha brings ox-tail soup for Tita to drink while visiting John Brown’s home, Tita remarks, “With the first sip, Nacha appeared there at her side, stroking her hair as she done when she was little and was sick” (55). The soup brings memories of Nacha back to Tita and while she “[relives] those moments” (55), the soup accomplishes “what none of [John Brown’s] medicines had been able to do—making Tita weep” (55). This scene shows how much Nacha means to Tita; just a mere reminder of Nacha makes Tita cry tears of joy while breaking Tita from her prolonged depression over Roberto’s death. Tita further experiences joy while reminiscing about Nacha: “on one occasion Nacha had saved up her wages for a long time to buy [Tita] ‘a little movie’ she had seen in the display window of a store… What joy she felt seeing it next to her stocking when she got up in the morning” (77). She realizes that Nacha is sorely missed; Nacha’s presence brings about a kind of happiness. Tita longs for “those happy days when Nacha was with her,” but they “seemed so distant now”
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