Life Is Beautiful

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The topic of my speech is simple - "Life is beautiful." The way to give it the respect it deserves is by proving this. South Africa is a beautiful country, and thus for us, it is easy to make the connection between the astounding beauty of these surroundings and the beauty of our life. We are honoured to admire life. You see, we are blessed to hear the gossip of the wind, to feel the caress of the sun's rays, to listen to the symphony of the leaves. We fill our soul with nobility by looking at these mountains, and we bathe our minds in the crystal depths of our lakes. Yes, this gift from our Maker, life, is beautiful. We certainly believe that, because not only do we see it around us, but we also have the lifestyles that enable us to admire it. So, here I am, standing in front of you, and I tell you that life is beautiful and you believe me. But now, you tell me something: How can I go to a child in Yugoslavia whose life has been ravaged by a war, to a child in Mozambique who has lost his parents in a flood, or maybe to a child in Ethiopia whose bones knock together because of malnutrition, and dare to tell these children that life is beautiful? But we know that it is so. We see it every day, and yet we, the fortunate ones, fail to convey this basic fact, the only one that can lead to happiness, the beauty of life, to the people around us. Oh, we are very good at propaganda, very good at firing our souls with noble causes, very good at fighting nature. We look around, and see the majesty of the animal world around us, and set up agencies, ask for donations to research the anacondas in Venezuela, the koalas in Australia, or the stray dogs of Eastern Europe. Then, we look at the human race around us, but fail to see its majesty. Another cause we are very good at adopting, is that of making peace by fighting a war. Since the beginning, the

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