Life Is About Sacrifice

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Life is about Sacrifice The process of losing one's subjectivity and the movement towards objectivity very often involves sacrifice. Subjectivity means a judgment based on an individual personal impressions,feelings, and opinions rather than external facts. Objectivity is a judgment based on observable phenomena and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices. Sacrifice is the giving up of something valued for the sake of something else. This argument supports many state of minds of people, in life it clearly shows when individuals stop being lead by emotions and opinions, and they begin to be lead by logic and facts. In the stories "Think About It", "Allegory of the Cave", and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, it supports this argument. In "Allegory of the Cave" the logic of the argument is that humanity needs to focus on the beauty, reason, what is true, and what is right. Individuals sometimes are fooled and misinterpret things by what they see. Plato believed that the truth of the Universe was hidden and that the way to discover it was not through observation of the surrounding world but through logic and reasoning. Society needs to experience something and not only judge something from the way it looks. People must first live in someone's shoes before individuals are able to feel what others feel and understand how they live. Never judge something by its cover because appearances can fool minds. "Think about it" the meaning of the story is that sometimes people are going to experience things in their lives that do not make sense but later in life as individuals experience more of life they may understand what they did not understand in the past. In life there is going to be so many things that people are not going to understand for example, a teenager does not understand their parents when they tell them to not do certain things because it is
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