Essay On Life In Outer Space

573 Words3 Pages
Life in outer space The universe contains billions of galaxies and each galaxy contains billions of stars, and a fraction of those stars contain Earth like planets meaning that there must be some type of life on those planets. If you really think about those numbers and the fact that life is anything from bacteria like organisms to living beings more complex than humans, it enlightens one on the endless possibilities that could be lurking somewhere in the universe. Over the last couple of decades scientist at NASA have come a long way regarding new discoveries about outer space. Through constant new discoveries equipped with advanced technologies, as well as the evidence of life in meteorites, and the fact that scientists have revealed that planets have the potential to sustain life it is…show more content…
A newly-discovered planet outside our solar system may be the closest celestial body in location and size to Earth. This newly discovered Earth also possesses Earth like traits. Astronomers who found this new planet across the Milky Way say it's likely there are other planets circling the same star, a little farther away where it may be cool enough for water and life. This truly gives scientists the evidence to believe there is some type of life on these types of planets. In conclusion, I strongly believe there is plenty forms of life in outer space. With such significant amount of evidence of life in outer space one can only believe of such. Although there have been many myths about UFO’s and alien evasions, with this evidence given, life in outer space is shown to not be a myth. Through constant new discoveries equipped with advanced technologies, as well as the evidence of life in meteorites, and the fact that scientists have revealed that planets have the potential to sustain life it is plausible to say that there is life on another

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