Life Cycle Of The Stars

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Life Cycle of a Star Pamela Hughes May 17, 2011 SCI/151 Norman Stradleigh Life Cycle of a Star On a clear dark night, one can see thousands of stars. We can see many stars but could never dream of being able to count them all. Even though each individual star is unique, all stars share much in common. The Sun, which is the source of virtually all light, heat, and energy reaching the Earth, is the nearest star. Today, we know that stars are born from interstellar gas clouds, shine by nuclear fusion and then die, sometimes in dramatic ways. This paper will discuss the life cycle of stars, but to have a better understanding of the life cycle of stars we first need to understand their birth. Since we were children, we have been curious about those little lights in the night sky that seem to twinkle in the darkness. We even sang about them growing up, “Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are? As a child, we could not understand the magnificent miracle that takes place for a star to be born. Now we know stars initially form from clouds of dust and gas. The force of gravity makes the dust particles come spiraling in together. As they do, the gravitational energy converts into heat energy and the temperature rises. When the temperature gets high enough, hydrogen nuclei undergo nuclear fusion to form helium nuclei and give out massive amounts of heat and light. Before the star begins its life, there are the components that will create the star. However, the ultimate demise of a star is somewhat of a mystery. The most interesting aspects during creation and during death, what happens during life, at least for star, are quite inconsequential. Before there was space, there was a set amount of matter. When the universe formed, it sprawled out an intense amount of matter into every conceivable direction. The matter as it traveled created
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