Life After Death

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Life after Death Confrontation with death has been a question raised since the beginning of our society. “Confrontation with death raises urgent questions because death remains taboo in our society yet it is normal for people to die everyday. More than 2,530,000 die in the U.S each year and more than 70 million people world wide”(Lommel xi). So why are people so scared of death when a reassurance of an afterlife has been described through experiences of others? Their near death experiences or NDEs will be described as well as some scientific evidence and religious beliefs to persuade that is life after death and explain why we should not be afraid of “the end.” Near Death Experiences have been described through many different people. According to Dr. Lommel, “Evidence has shown that most people lose all fear of death after an near death experience, their experience tells them that death is not the end of everything and life goes on one way or another” (xii) For example in 1991, Atlanta Georgia resident Pam Reynolds had an near death experience. She underwent surgery for a brain aneurysm that required the doctors to drain all the blood from her brain and she was kept brain dead for forty-five minuets. She also experienced controlled cardiac arrest and intentional hypothermia to slow the body down. She was clinically dead with no measurable brain function. When she was resusated she claimed to have several experiences including encounters with passed-away loved ones, and she described her surgery in great detail down to the type of saw used to open her skull and the conversation the doctors were having in the operating room. In reading several near death experiences they all describe bright lights, seeing loved ones, being able to see their bodies or even having their life “flash before their eyes” (International Association for Neat Death Studies) Another
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