‘To what extent do you agree that the nationalist movement was the greatest threat facing the liberal government by 1914?’ By 1914, there were a number of threats to the liberal government. Examples of these are from the PSI (the socialist party), nationalists and the Catholic Church. The reasons why these groups were a threat to the liberal government was in part because of the weaknesses of the liberal government itself, and the poor state of the economy under the liberals. The economy especially led to a lack of Italian identity, with very high levels of emigration (mainly to the USA). These factors led to a fragile liberal government, with the main threat in my opinion being posed not by the nationalists but the socialists.
In 1913 the value of American trade was about $2 billion, but by 1916 it had risen to $6 billion. Due to the war new markets developed. The British navy blocked German food exports leaving America to experience a 300% rise in food exports. With the introduction of new markets came; reduced unemployment, new foreign investments and an increased reliance from Great Britain on US loans which were raised in New York. This meant the US became the world’s Creditor nation and the financial capital moved from London to New York.
The Liberals were not very big supporters of the Monarch and wanted the Monarchy out of the political area and it just to be solely the government. The Liberals wanted reform, especially the Radicals. If you compare this to the beliefs of the Conservative party who generally believed in One-nation Conservatism/Toryism. This phrase came to light by the Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, His conservatism had proposed a society with the social classes intact but with the working class receiving support from the government. Disraeli emphasised the importance of social obligation rather than
However as the war progressed and more issues became apparent, the divide between the rich and the poor and the left and the right wing became vaster. Before the war had commenced liberals and socialists were aggravated with German democracy. Germany portrayed itself as a democratic state, however all the power belonged to the elite. Kaiser Wilhelm II even boasted that he had never read the constitution. Therefore Liberals wanted constitutional reform and more power to be given to the Reichstag.
In 1908, Herbert Asquith became the Prime Minister. Unlike other high-up Liberal politicians, he was strongly opposed to granting women the vote. In 1912 Millie and the NUWSS decided to support Labour instead in the parliamentary elections. Even at its peak in 1914, the WSPU only had about 2,000 members. The NUWSS was a much larger organisation and in 1914 had 500 local branches and over 100,000 members.
Wages rose how ever there were too few goods on which to spend money. Also the creation of collective farms essentially destroyed kulaks as a class and this disruption led to a famine. I think that over all the first five year plan was not a success in strengthening the soviet economy because a lot of the targets set were not achieved for example the production of coal were 35.4; oil was 11.7 and steel 4 million tonnes. The actual target of these was double the amount produced. I think it was successful in the sense it increased urbanisation, several gains were obtained in heavy industry and wages rose.
Other major objectives at this time were political, economic, and military control of beneficial societies. From previous years, the imperialistic mentality had died as an issue and had received little support from citizens of the United States. However, with the “rapid industrialization and soaring productivity of the national economy,” the country was in a position to become the leading industrial powerhouse by the year 1900 (Healy, 2008). Americans began to feel wealth and
After the victory of World War 2, the United States was so vastly powerful that it held a large percent of the world’s resources, yet it contained only a small percentage of the world’s population. Abundance in America was something that people were getting very used to after World War 2 and it was evident in the way people started living their lives. The acquisition of wealth for the majority of the population allowed for a conversion of people’s attitudes and ideas from the previous social norm. This complete revolution in thought is due to a few factors; Capitalism ran hot through everyone’s lives for the first time because even though it started in the early 1900’s, it was in this later period that it could be understood by even the young
It can be argued that FPTP has created a clear two party system. This can be illustrated because post-war only Labour and Conservatives have been in power. Labour or Conservatives have been the government every election because they have a lot of support throughout the UK, and therefore come first in many constituencies. To form a government, a party must have the majority of seats throughout the UK, which Labour or Conservatives always do. In 2005, the Liberal Democrats had 22% of the overall vote in the UK, sharing, but because of the FPTP system they only won 62 seats out of the 646 constituencies in the UK, this shows this system as clearly an unfair.
Since then America has forgotten the huge role immigration has played throughout history and the contribution it led to the development of America, as well. U.S immigration has brought upon the debate for the future of American jobs, impacts, and benefits. Statistics demonstrate that immigration has helped the United States with employment by adding jobs and bringing in more tax payers adding a positive effect on the United States. Before the recession, when the economy was expanding (2000-2007), 60 percent of the net increase in employment among the working-age went to immigrants. Even though they accounted for just 38 percent of the population, immigrants still took majority of the jobs in the United States (Camarota, Zeigler).