Level 3 Diploma Unit 4

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Unit 4 Q1: In my work role I have a duty of care this means I have the responsibilities to look after my residents and make sure that I meet there individuals care needs according to there individual care plans. I also have the responsibility to protect individuals from harm this means staff, work colleagues, visitors ect. So my duty of care within my job role means I have a responsibility to deliver the service to the service user. By following our organisational policies and the GSCC codes of practice, I am complying with my responsibilities of duty of care. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA) says – As far as reasonably practicable I have a duty to: Provide a safe place of work including safe access and egress. Provide and maintain equipment that is safe and not a risk to health. Provide all necessary information, instruction, training and supervision. Take reasonable care of my own health & safety and that of others who may be affected by my activities. Co-operate with my employer, so far as necessary, to enable my employer to comply with any statutory duty or requirements. In my day to day routine I have to fill in daily charts, other charts I fill in throughout the day and some are monthly others are biannually unless care needs change prior to review, some of which include the following: Food and fluid charts Repositioning charts Urine and bowel output charts Topical application charts MAR charts Daily records BMI and Musts Monitoring charts Waterlow Risk assessments Fridge and room temperatures for medication room Handover GP requests Team leader communication book Staff supervision Resident reviews Monthly care plan audits All these charts have to be to be filled in accurately and factually. Q2: Duty of care ensures that residents are protected
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