Research Project Why We Should Educate Children of Illegal Immigrants There are many people in the United States who disagree against the law to educate children of illegal immigrants due to the high expenses spend annually and while it is coming from the taxes paid by the citizens. I concede that it may cost a fortune to educate those children of illegal immigrants by using our tax payments. However, I would argue that those children should have a right to be educated due to many reasons; they can contribute to the society, keep peace within the community, and increase growth of the economy. One of the points how children of illegal immigrants can be supportive for the society is by staying away from gangs’ organization when they are kept in school. As Clark Kirby, a Texas State Director in “Educating Illegal Aliens in Texas” points out, there are many arguments between those Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court if children of illegal immigrants should have educational rights because it would cost up to $5,000 per year per student.
Reconstructed families are couple that beforehand may have been in a previous marriage or relationship. Children are brought into the family although having a different parent. These are on the rise according to statistics. This could be because of: the economy – the price of getting married again may be a too costly price – especially in today’s society where prices are rocketing, a longer life expectancy – people not wanting to be alone, also, some people may believe marriage should only be done once from a moral front. (Self, A Zealey, L 2007) National statistics shows that remarriages have risen from approximately 80,000 to
Poverty can exist in rich and civilized countries to an extreme extend In many other countries, people believe that poverty doesn’t exist in the U.S. They believe that every individual has the resources to survive and provide for the families, but that is not true. It may not too very obvious for other people to see, but there are many people who face poverty and are looking for ways to get out of it in the U.S. Due to lack of resources, people struggle to break out of the cycle of poverty. According to Census Bureau Report (2001), "The official poverty rate in the U.S. increased for four consecutive years, from a 26-year low of 11.3% in 2000 to 12.7% in 2004, and then declined somewhat to 12.3% in 2006. This means that 36.5 million people (approx 1 in 8 Americans) were below the official poverty thresholds in 2006, compared to 31.1 million in 2000, and that there was an increase of 5.4 million poor from 2000 to 2006 while the total population grew by 17.5 million The poverty rate for children under 18 years old increased from 16.2% to 17.8% from 2000 to 2004 and had dropped to 17.4% in 2005 and 2006".
Today abuse consists of men and women not applying for jobs, having more children just to obtain more aid, and staying unmarried to qualify for greater benefits. It is a system that has helped many people become government dependent and indifferent to work. According to the Social Security Administration Office of the Inspector General, there has been “…$2.9 billion in questioned costs; with $23.3 million in recoveries and $2.8 million in fines and a further $25.5 million in settlements, judgment, and restitution.”(SSAO) The people who are taking advantage of the welfare system are those who decide to lie or cheat to not receive an honest income and take funds from law-abiding citizens who are hard workings and have families to support. This does not seem just especially when statistics from The Department of Health and Human Services show that there are nine U.S. states where welfare pays more than the average salary of a U.S. teacher. There are forty states where welfare pays more than $8 per hour which in some states is more than the minimum wage.
We need to do something to help the minors who did not have a choice of coming over here, but just followed their parents. If these minors are here in the U.S and thriving for an education or serve our country why not give them a path to citizenship. It is not easy as immigrant to stay focus and achieve what you want in life. The more immigrants that become legal they would pay taxes and our deficit would go down in the long run. Until the government decides what to do, we are going to be in this recession.
Current Event 3: Social Security Basically this article is trying to help citizens all over the United States to not give into Social Security benefits so quickly. The reason for this statement is once you start to hit the retirement age people immediately want to take out money from their benefits. The problem with doing this irrational idea is that you can potentially be receiving larger payment if you just wait a couple years longer. For example, if you decide to take out money early at the age of 62 your monthly payments will be 25% to 30% smaller than if you wait until full retirement age. On the other hand, full retirement age varies from the ages 66 to 67 for people who are currently in the workforce.
The family members could become not only emotionally damaged, but also add tremendous amount of stress to the entire family. According to the article, the family could possibly spend anywhere from three to five million more dollars to raise a child with ASD compared to a child without ASD. One may argue that insurance would cover all the costs however the majority of families must also pay large sums of money out of their own pockets. Maybe the parents can work extra jobs? Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that.
The idea of an immigration reform has been talked about for the past few years. Many think it’s a good idea and many not so much. Some believe that it will bring bad things for the economy, that it would bring plenty of competition for American born workers, and that many more immigrants would be influence to cross the border to get advantage of the reform. At the same time they don’t step into the shoes of those who don’t have some type of medical insurance, that aren’t capable of visiting their families because there is no easy way back into the country, they don’t think about the children who are separated from their illegal parents. Most of what they believe is wrong, economy would be pushed up, the reform will create many more jobs for people, and there will probably be some type of system to know how long someone has lived in this country.
Raising that wage could mean a raise for millions of workers. Childcare support shows that a lack of access or ability to afford childcare can be one of the most significant barriers to getting a job and staying in it. But if government fully funded childcare programs, mother’s overall employment would increase. By getting women to brave discrimination and socialization to take these jobs, and getting these employers to reach out to women, and getting more men into low-pay service jobs, and getting women the training and education they need for male-heavy jobs should all be a pretty easy to accomplish. Works Cited 50 Years After the Equal Pay Act, The Gender Gap Persists: 10 Things You Didn’t Know about the Gender Gap: Freakonomics: Women are not Men: Gender Gap Program on NPR: The Man Box: Tony Porter: A Call to Men, video on men and masculinity:
This is another reason for the American taxpayer to look down on upon welfare recipients. Our national economic situation is going create a longer list that will to have to go on welfare and it will not get any better if something is not done to fix it. Although some people who defraud the system are caught, too many more people get away with it. There are millions of Americans that use welfare as it is intended, they get off of it and become more productive members of society. It is up to our leaders to do what is best for the entire nation by passing new Welfare Reform legislation that will punish those more harshly and get the financial aid to