Letter To Mrs. Bencini: Social Welfare Policy

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Hickman County Times 1208 S. Jefferson Clinton, KY 42034 September 2, 2011 Dear Mrs. Bencini: I am writing in regards to a social welfare policy issue that needs attention, Child Support Enforcement. Although there are more detailed laws and harsher penalties than in years past, there are still many non-custodial parents who slip through the cracks. These fathers, and in some cases mothers, are able to live their day to day lives with little worry of the repercussions of not paying their child support for one simple reason- they live in a different state than the custodial parent. Over the last decade, state and federal governments have spent approximately $3 billion to collect over $14 billion in child support which is, in itself, an…show more content…
For example, one agency could serve Western Kentucky, Northwestern Tennessee, Southeast Missouri, and Southern Illinois. If the non-custodial parent knew it would not be so easy to hide by residing in another state, he or she may be more likely to pay court ordered support. These agencies could be funded federally as well as by the individual states they serve. I know the economy is in dire straits right now so pursuing an idea such as this may not seem realistic. However, one factor that should be taken into consideration is the millions of dollars in government assistance that parents not receiving child support are forced to rely on. Fear is a very strong motivator, and, knowing they will have consequences to face, could make non-custodial parents much more likely to take care of their responsibilities. In many cases, receiving child support would give these struggling parents the economic boost they need to get on their feet and of public assistance. Child support usually increases a family’s income 17% - 30% which could greatly improve their standard of living. I truly feel this is worth

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