Lesson Plan Outline

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Lesson Plan Outline Age: 4 years old Content Area: Cooking Introduction I chose this age group and activity because I had observed the children during the summer with Mrs. Smith cooking applesauce and I had the pleasure of tasting the results and it was great! The title of the lesson is cooking applesauce. The main objective is the children will help peel apples, measure ingredients and prepare applesauce. Implementation of Activity I had different children peeling, measuring and adding the ingredients to the pot. Each child was anxious to get their turn in. The other students and teachers watched as I help the children prepare. Some of the children drop the apple, the peeler, dropped water and etc., but the children enjoyed the fun and the accidents. This was done in the classroom of the center in the house keeping area. I wanted to show the children that apple comes in different colors, and the texture of a cook apple was different from one that not. Evaluation First of all , The activity to me was proper for the age group when Mrs. Smith did it early. But now, to me it was appropriate for the age group. Some of the children had peeling the apples while other had fun. All of the children learned from the activity. Each child explains what he/she did and gave the ending results which were applesauce. Lesson Plan Outline Title: Cooking Experience-Applesauce Objectives: Given apples, knives, measuring cup and spoons, a bowl, a mixing spoon, a microwave oven, sugar, cinnamon, and a recipe chart, the children will help peel apples, measure the ingredients and prepare applesauce. Recognition of Student’s Prior Knowledge: Students had done this activity during the summer of this year. Instructional Method: Teacher demonstrated each task for each group of children. Explain in details and ask where their questions or comments about my instructions. Time:
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