Lesson Plan – Lesson 1 (Science – Balls, Ramps and Roadways)

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Balls, Ramps & Roadways Lesson for 1st & 2nd Grade. Subject Area: Science Length: 30 – 40 minutes Discipline Wholeness for the lesson In previous learning experiences, the children have been engaged in exploring the movement of balls by throwing, rolling and bouncing them. In this lesson their focus shifts to what balls do on inclined planes – on ramps and roadways. The children explore the materials and will create their own ramp and investigate what happens to the ball when it is on a Ramp. Main Points 1. Balls move and bounce differently in different surfaces. 2. A ramp is a smooth slope, but it is also a simple machine. (Even though it doesn’t look like a machine) and ramps are used to make movement easy. 3. We use and get in contacts with many ramps in our day-to-day life. 4. We are going to investigate how balls move through ramps. Objectives 1. Learn what a ramp is and how it is helpful in our daily life. 2. Design a simple ramp. 3. Investigate and learn that different type of balls behave differently on the same ramp (incline). 4. Build up teamwork, and communication through small group activity. National Standards: (Science) Science as Inquiry - as a result of activities in grades K-4, all students should develop • Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry • Understanding about scientific inquiry Approach I’m using direct instruction, discussion and inquiry based teaching approaches to teach this lesson. Direct instruction will be used to set the boundaries while the students are doing their experiment. Discussion will give the students a chance to come up with what they already know about Ramps and at the end of the lesson do discuss what they learned through the process of building the ramp. Inquiry based approach will be used when the students work as pairs to build a ramp and gather information of

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