Lesson Learned in Life

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Here they are, my top 10 life lessons boiled down. I regularly ask people I know for their 10 best lessons in life. Everybody has lessons to share whether it’s about their best skill or it’s their life lessons learned. I figured since I regularly ask people for their best lessons, I might share some of mine. This particular set is the result of me thinking really hard for 10 minutes (at which point I had to send my email), so they are likely to change as I give them more thought. As you’ll see below, there’s an important lesson I learned that helped me settle for these 10 lessons as “good enough for now”, with the idea that I can revisit later. My Top 10 Lessons Here is a summary of my top 10 lessons learned in life: Lesson 1. Model the best. Lesson 2. Be YOUR best. Lesson 3. Set boundaries. Lesson 4. Life’s not static. Lesson 5. Follow the growth. Lesson 6. Focus on one pitch at a time. Lesson 7. Version your perfection. Lesson 8. It’s what you know and who you know. Lesson 9. Use metaphors to shape your experience. Lesson 10. Structure your success. Lesson 1. Model the Best. If you want to be great at something, learn from the best. Find the best of the best. When I studied martial arts, I studied Bill Superfoot Wallace. He set a bar I never would have imagined possible. That’s what heroes do. They inspire and they prove a path. I learn from everyone around me. I find their super skill, and they are usually more than happy to share what they know. Lesson 2. Be Your Best. You can’t always be THE best, but you can always be YOUR best. You can’t ask yourself for more than that. Because I always modeled from the best, I always felt like I missed the mark. I had to learn 3 things: 1) When you’re just starting out, you’re the sapling. The might oak took time. 2) Enjoy the journey. 3) Your best is not the same as somebody else’s. I

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