Lesson from Toyota Recall Crisis

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Executive Summary Toyota has made the world surprised due to the recent biggest car recall that has never happened before. Recall occurs normally in car manufacture industry, but in the case of Toyota many people have posed the question that why a company with the fame of the Toyota Production System (TPS) and the Toyota Way culture can lead it astray. The experts have already conducted a variety of studies in attempt to point out the root causes for Toyota's quality problem. The research examines broadly TPS and the Toyota recall crisis to identify the relationship between them. Then it tries to address what is the root cause of Toyota's stumble through evaluating and analyzing the result of studies of different scholars, experts and practitioners. Although there are a few minor differences in the viewpoint of the authors, the most common assessment is the rapid growth involves in the Toyota recall crisis that lead to poor decision-making in strategic management. The research is aimed to draw a general lesson for managers who may be of Toyota or other companies that focuses on how they would use their management function to create an effective production process for Toyota. The theses of this research are supplemented by the perspectives of the authors like: Steven Spear and Kent Bowen, Jeffrey K. Liker and Timothy N. Ogden, Robert E. Cole, Michael Ballé, etc. 1. Introduction Toyota is known as the best brand car in customer perception and it has recently achieved the 10th position (as showed in figure 1) in the best global brands 2012 report (Interbrand, 2012). Being at the top of the world, the Toyota Production System (TPS) was found to have tremendous contribution to its success. TPS is an integrated socio-technical system that consists of Toyota's management philosophy, practices and system thinking. TPS and TBP and its culture, which bring many

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