Length of Wire Physic Essay

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Aim: To explore the impact of the length of wires on resistance. To achieve this aim, the following objectives are pursued. Objectives: 1, Compare the resistance of different types of wires of varying lengths. 2, Maintain a constant temperature and thickness of the wires. Background information Ohm's law states: that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points, and inversely proportional to the resistance between them. Ohms Law Formula: I=V/R basically, current= voltage/Resistance Remember Ohms law doesn’t apply when temperature changes Resistance is measured in Ohms, and is related to the current in the circuit and voltage across the circuit. Basically, it is the ratio of the potential difference across a conductor to the current flowing through it. Arguably, resistance is inversely proportional to the current flowing through a conductor. This is illustrated in the formula below. Resistance= Potential difference (volt, v) / Current (ampere, A) Many researchers have over the years claimed that resistance is influenced by a wide range of factors. One of these factors is believed to be the length of wires. According to these researchers, the longer the wire the greater the resistance. Conversely, the shorter the wire the lesser resistance. This is depicted in the following diagrams. [pic] [pic] [pic] Other factors highlighted in the literature that may influence resistance are the thickness and temperature of conductors. In relation to thickness, electrons collide with atoms more often in a thinner wire than they do in a thicker wire, as the former has less space than the latter. An electric current flows when electrons move through a conductor. A thin wire is believed to have fewer electrons to carry the current than a thick

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