Leisure Activities Essay

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Topic : Do you agree or disagree Twenty years from now, people will have more time for leisure activities Give reasons and examples I have heard that people cannot wait for the future because they will have robots do all their work, thereby giving them more free time. I doubt this will happen. In fact, I foresee people having the same or less amount of leisure time in twenty years than they do today. No matter what, people will always spennd time working. Besides, people’s jobs also involve overtime. That will not leave them much time for leisure activities. For example, my grandfather once worked at a company. He worked long ten-or twelve-hour days. Though there were legal working hours, he had to workk overtime not to get fired. My father works about the same amount of hours now as my grandfather did. I am sure that, in the future, I will work a similar number of hours, and my children will probably do the same. The nature of the work may change, but people will still work the same amount of hours. Additionally, people will still have housework and chores to do in the future. So, even after finishing work, people will still not have the opportunity to relax. Some people claim new appliances will reduce the amount of time people spend on housework. That is not true. Today, despite her many modern appliances, my mother spends the same amount of time on housework as my grandmother did when she was young. Twenty years from now, there will surely be more and better appliances. But I sincerely doubt they will reduce the amount of time people will spend on doing housework. This means, of course, that people will have less time for leisure activities. Twenty years from now, people will have the same amount or maybe less leisure time than today. They will still work long hours, and they will still have to do chores and housework. After all, the future with

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