Legal Issues of Pro Euthanasia

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Issues in Law and Justice 30 Jan. 2013 Legal Issues of Pro Euthanasia Pro euthanasia is a subject that has been debated worldwide for a very long time with very little success. This practice has been argued as far back as Ancient Greece and Rome; where Socrates employed hemlock as a means of hastening death but was criticizes by Hippocrates and others at that time. Prominent Americans have argued for permitting suicide in cases of chronic illness since 1913 concerning issues of political and social ethics. I think that the quality of life and one’s dignity is the main issue here and should not be interfered with by government. If a person is suffering in unbearable pain and cannot enjoy life then euthanasia would be the best option to help that person die a dignified and peaceful death, rather than a period of lost dignity and prolonged suffering. Current laws state that active euthanasia is illegal in most of the country. Patients can refuse medical treatment and receive pain management, even if the patient’s choices hasten their death. Futile or burdensome treatments, such as life support machines, may be withdrawn under specific circumstances. Under federal and some state laws medical facilities need consent from patients or, in the event of incompetency of the patient, informed consent of the legal surrogate. The Supreme Court has not dealt with “quality of life issues” and appears to only condone active or passive “euthanasia” (not legally defined) when there is evidence that consent has been obtained from the competent patient or legal surrogate of an incompetent patient.There are many pros and cons to euthanasia and I feel that the pros outweigh the cons. The most debated are the moral, ethical, and rights issues. Some of these pros and cons argued are the right of a competent, terminally ill person to avoid excruciating pain and embrace a
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