Learning Styles: the Theory of Multiple Intelligences

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Learning Styles: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences Ellen Chesser COLL100 American Public University Professor Monica Ludwig Learning Styles: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences In many learning institutions, some students succeed tremendously while others struggle and often times fail. Why is this? Very rarely is it because the student is incapable of comprehending the material but rather how the student is taught. Many educators are familiar with the theory of multiple intelligences, which is the theory that each student possesses a different learning style that closely relates to the way they are able to learn and understand information and how successful they will be in the academic field. The theory of multiple intelligences and what this process entails should be recognized and implemented in every school to improve the grades and success rates of all students. In 1983, Howard Gardner PhD announced his theory that every person in the world possessed a different learning style and called it the ‘theory of multiple intelligences.’ While recognizing that there was a general intelligence among human beings, Gardner did not believe that was sufficient in properly assessing and understanding what helps a student learn. “Gardner's (1983) MI theory provides a useful framework for understanding both the rudimentary competencies of all people as well as the unique strengths of individuals. An individual's unique cognitive structure is based on the combination of these intelligences.” (Fasko, 126) The several types of learning styles are presented in such a way that each student falls into one of the categories that Howard Gardner created. In this theory, an educator should then be able to assess the student during a variation of academic tests to discover which learning style the student possesses and then use that to further the success

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