Learn General or Specific Knowledge

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Q7: It is more important to learn general knowledge in various subjects than to learn specialized knowledge in one subject. Most students, including me, often complain about the huge amount of knowledge we have to learn at schools. But if school offered one subject education, would it be a good idea? In my opinion, hard as it is to acquire knowledge in many subjects, it is for students’ own good to learn general subjects than to learn specialized knowledge in only one subject. Firstly, studying many subjects gives students a quality basic knowledge, which is indispensable in one’s life. For example, imagine your child asking you questions like where the water of the rain comes from, what causes thunder or lightning, etc. If the subject you study is science then you can easily answer these basic questions, but if you study something else, how can you manage the answer? Since you cannot just answer them the water comes from heaven or the god makes lightning, it is certainly very embarrassing. Situations like that happen a lot and without general knowledge on different subjects, you are likely to suffer. Furthermore, by encountering knowledge on different fields certainly helps us defy what suits us best, in order word, helps us know what we want to do for our future. Since two is better than one, studying more than one subject is surely better because you can get to know more, try different things and have wider career selections. It doesn’t matter if you are poor at mathematics or literature, studying many subjects helps you see your strength, find your favorite, therefore leads you to the right future career choice. Studying specialized in one subject can never give you the opportunity to do this. In conclusion, I’m strongly in favor of the idea that studying general knowledge in many subjects is more important than studying specialized knowledge but only in one

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