Leading the School Community Towards a Bilingual Process

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LEADING THE SCHOOL COMMUNITY TOWARDS A BILINGUAL PROCESS Nowadays, English has become a really important subject in the national education program in Colombia. As a result, the Ministry of Education has designed the national bilingual program which has implemented some strategies to increase students’ language competences, teachers’ proficiency, and productive performance of the teaching process in the English language. Considering this assumption, English teachers in Colombia should be immersed in an active and productive way through the whole process that the government has developed for them. It means that they need to participate in the programs such as immersions, seminars, conferences, and congress to become facilitators of those experiences and knowledge in their schools, municipalities and regions to improve the current state of English level in the school community. In this paper, the focus in going to be on three main issues: to be updated, leadership and peer working which are relevant to achieve the government goal of a bilingual nation. First of all, being a teacher demands a lot of efforts and responsibilities because students count on you to achieve the established government policies. In Colombia, A competent English teacher requires high levels in language competence and knowledge about approaches and methodologies to guarantee learners’ success when performance in different language context. However, it is observed that there is not a balance among Colombian English teacher, due to the fact that exists a great amount of English teachers with low English competence and knowledge about methodologies. For this reason, teachers must look for alternatives to improve their language competences. To solve this constrain, the national bilingual program has offered different opportunities to be updated such as virtual courses (Ingles para todos),
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