Leading Marines.

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Leading Marines The Marine Corps is well-known for the exceptional leaders that it produces consistently over the generations. Throughout the Corps’ history, it has produced Marine leaders spanning the ranks who have distinguished themselves in combat and during times of peace. Not only has the Marine Corps developed impeccable combat leaders, it has also developed leaders who apply ethical and cultural considerations in exercising their leadership. This type of exceptional leadership is born out of the Marine Corps Core Values and the Marine Corps leadership traits and principles. Developing Leaders. This study unit contains the following lessons: Lesson One, Understanding Values; Lesson Two Marine Corps Core Values; Lesson Three Marine Leadership Traits; Lesson Four Marine Corps Leadership Principals; Lesson Five Ethical Leadership; Lesson Six Operational Culture for the Warfighter. • Describe how values, attitudes, and behavior are formed • Describe the relationship between values, attitudes, and behavior • Describe the role of the leader in balancing organizational and individual values • Describe how conflict between individual and organizational values can occur Developement of attitudes. Most researchers agree that we obtain our values through the influence of our parents, teachers, and peers; and earlier experiences have more of an effect than later experiences. Our attitudes are strongly influenced by our experiences in society. These experiences tend to establish early attitudes, likes, and dislikes. As these attitudes are reinforced by successive similar experiences, they become our basic foundational values. Conversely, our values can have a direct effect on our attitudes. VALUES Values are basic ideas about the worth or importance of people, concepts, or things. You may place a high
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