Leadership : Sense Making and Adversity Quotient

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Leadership: Sense making and Adversity Quotient Date: 02/12/2012 Author: Darren Brown The CE Leadership style It is clear that the CE was brought into the Company to bring about growth of the Company and that indeed he was a task orientated leader ( Manktelow) and they are usually not so concerned or worried about wide consultation with employee’s or stakeholders but focused with a certain solution or strategy. This is clear from the article (Pye) where he already had the Customer Service values strategy as his goal after only consulting the EOG and some outside interests. He is a typical of an Authoritarian lead with downward orders and non communication (Martindale). A Paternalistic leader is the father type figure and takes care of their Company and employee’s as a parent would and therefore in the best interests of all concerned. With his type of leadership the leader shows concern for his employee’s workers and he gets back the complete trust and loyalty of his staff. (Erben and Guneser, Gul and Ayse). This would have been the preferred leadership style in this case for this particular problem highlighted and he was initially too focused as a formal leader. Sensemaking and Resilience Questioning “Common sense is not so common.” (Voltaire) So what is sensemaking and common sense exactly? “ Sensemaking is what it says it is , namely , making something sensible ( Weick 1995) and that it is it is not only applied to using the information “meaningful lived experience” but also applying making decisions to be made for the future not only relying on experience. Common sense is defined by The Cambridge Dictionary as, "the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment that we all need to help us live in a reasonable and safe way"[Thus, "common sense" means the knowledge and experience which most people already have, or which the person

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