Leadership Qualities of Effective Principals

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Running head: LEADERSHIP QUALITIES OF EFFECTIVE PRINCIPALS 1 Leadership Qualities of Effective Principals By James Renninger Scranton University LEADERSHIP QUALITIES OF EFFECTIVE PRINCIPALS 2 According to Marzano (2010), “effective principals possess certain character traits, including honesty, fairness, and integrity”(p. 1). When all individuals feel that they will be treated with fairness and given honest answers to their questions, they will be more productive, confident, and happier in the educational process. The Principal must hold themselves to a higher ethical standard than anyone in the educational community. To be effective as a principal subordinates must view the principal with respect and confidence. Many leadership and management experts list characteristics of effective leadership. These six characteristics best fit the effective Principal. They are being visionary, believing that schools are for learning, valuing human resources, communication and listening effectively, being proactive, and taking risks. These characteristics are indicative of educational leaders’ successful performance in the two dimensions considered necessary for effective leadership. Initiating structure, which is primarily concerned for organizational tasks, and consideration, which is the concern for individuals and the interpersonal relations between them. Valuing human resources as well as communicating and listening are directly associated with the dimension of consideration. Being a proactive leader and a risk taker demonstrate the dimension of initiating structure. “Effective educational leaders respond to the human as well as the task aspects of their schools and districts. Effective change requires skilled leadership that can integrate the soft human elements with hard business actions” (Joiner, 1987 p.1) According to Northouse (2009),

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