'Leadership In Eddie Gibbs Church Next'

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Eddie Gibbs continues to be authentic after writing Church Next. Chapter one sets the pace for redefining what leadership is. He consistently compares the secular and church images concluding that they are the same, at least from first impressions. A further comparison that carries a strong theme in most chapters is the defining of words. The secular image of `charismatic' is an over bloated ego but in the world of church is a gifted leader in the Holy Spirit. Another consistent method used throughout the book is comparing leaders of yesterday with today. It appears that the risk takers of yesterday have become the conservative non-risk takers of today - hence the title Leadership next. He continues in chapter two provoking the reader that leadership styles must change. Gibbs covers three areas that are `signs' to the `times' we live in. From economic developments, demographic changes and the age of information he concludes that these are major reasons for styles of leadership to change. All three areas affect every culture therefore become relevant to his thought. There is a slight assumption that everyone is, or will be at some point, thinking like a postmodern. I found this a little ambiguous. There are some cultures that exist on tradition and repetition rather than forward thinking thought. Gibbs does not give this much attention in his book. If anything, he assumed that all under thirty-five's are shaped by postmodernism.…show more content…
He does draw up excellent characteristics of a Christian leader than can be transposed into any culture. I felt this needed expounding a little more. What became apparent as I read further into the book was his passion to recover missional leadership in missional churches. He addresses the `transaction' leadership of keeping the organization in check and running rather than a fluid movement in keeping with original biblical

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