Strength Based Leadership January 25, 2014 Strength Based Leadership According to Rath and Conchie (2008) organizations want leaders who can get things done. In order for a leader to be able to get things done one must be aware of their own strengths and weakness so they can capitalize on their weakness. This essay will explore the results of the Gallop Strengths Finder Assessment taken online by the author; it will also explore my strengths and plans to grow these strengths. After taking the Strengths Finder assessment, I was informed my strengths are developer, empathy, positivity, belief and connectedness. After getting my results I reviewed my report and I went back to the book Strengths based Leadership by Rath and Conchie for further insight.
Expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards(Code of Practice, Regulations, Essential standards, National Occupational Standards): to examine why and how I practice, to identify areas for improvement, to develop different ways of working, to develop new areas of learning. 2. Be able to reflect on practice Importance of reflective practice: reflecting on situation can improve own knowledge, skills and understanding and may include: giving me grater insight, examining how effective my practice is, thinking through different approaches. Own values, belief system and experiences may affect working experiences by: understanding and being open to others` attitudes and beliefs, respecting differences between own and others personal attitudes, being aware of own personal attitudes and beliefs. 3.
Leadership Development Plan MGMT 592-Course Project Table of Contents Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….3 Purpose of Study………………………………………………………………………….3 Understanding Who You Are and Where You Want to Go………………………………4 Values………………………………………………………………………….….5 Leadership Legacy……………………………………………………………..….7 Career Aspirations……………………………………………………………..….8 Literature Review………………………………………………………………………....9 Personal Situation Analysis……………………………………………………………...10 Lifeline Activity………………………………………………………………….11 S.W.O.T Analysis………………………………………………………………..12 Proposed Action Plan ……………………………………………………………………16 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….17 References………………………………………………………………………………..18 Introduction This Leadership Development Plan is intended to address my own personal leadership roles in my career, through past employers as well as in my current professional position. This plan will begin by discussing the purpose of this study as well as findings through many self-assessments to determine my specific leadership style and what I want my leadership legacy to be. I will also discuss how leadership theories relate to my profession and the specific types that would deem most effective. A personal S.W.O.T. analysis will review the results from the self-assessments and skill development exercises completed throughout the course.
2.1 Compare the strengths and limitations of a range of assessment methods with reference to the needs of individual learners. 3.1 Summarise the key factors to consider when planning assessment. 3.2 Evaluate the benefits of using a holistic approach to assessment. 3.3 Explain how to apply holistic assessment when planning assessment. 3.4 Summarise the types of risks that may be involved in assessment in own area of practice.
Leaders encourage and empower people to achieve success rather than place blame. According to the Keirsey style sorter by Mr. David and Marilyn, I found I have ENFP personality style. To understand what ENFP means and how I land under this category and why they are indicators that lead to strengths and growth areas. In next couple of paragraphs, I will discuss what they mean and recognize strength and growth areas for person of ENFP styles. Later, I will talk about my leader style and finally will combine the dimensions and form personal strength and growth areas about myself.
My plan should address the three highlighted competencies of motivation, empathy and relationship. Motivation competency will be addressed in my development plan by documenting and reinforcing the need to build my self-confidence in these relationships, to convey my value added to the management team. This will yield improved recognition for my message as well as validate my presence at the management level. Secondly, working to develop relationships with the management team is key to developing empathy. This will require that I understand and build on the non-verbal clues conveyed by the team, responding accordingly in order to make a connection on a level that works for them.
According to Blanchard and Thacker (2007), this is necessary to show how important learning is for the success of the company as a whole. (p.91) 5. Learning styles and personalities must also be considered to design effective training. Because we are dealing with people, the training should be design to match people’s feelings as well as KSAs. 6.
Knowing others strengths in an online learning environment helps me understand how they think. When I receive feedback from others I will understand their method of thinking. Their experience helps me to think differently for myself. CONCULSION Remember, these resources can only be successful if practiced. These tools have helped me in my educational journey as of yet.
Evaluating progress MAKING A SELF ASSESMENT: Knowing me is the most critical step in making appropriate life choices. The better I understand myself and the better I can articulate my strengths to others, the better career decisions I will make. In deciding upon a career, it is typically recommended that I reflect on and define myself: • Attitudes and values • Personality • Skills and abilities • Interests After I have compiled a detailed Personal Profile, some clear options will emerge for me. It's important to remember that the self-exploration process does not necessarily point me to a specific job, but rather to potential fields of interest that I can investigate more closely during the Career Exploration phase. It suggests
Besides,(Bass,1998) Transformational leadership motivates and inspire employee by raising their awareness of the value of the task they perform and the importance of organizational goals and by drawing on employee’s intrinsic needs. (Bass and Avalio,1994),Transformational leadership is based on the connections between leaders and other employee and effective transformational leader understand the need and motivations of others and tries to help them reach their full potential . (Bass,1990:Northouse,2004),many contemporary theorists describe leadership as a complex social process designed to influence others, facilities activities and achieve goals within the organization. (Burn,1978:Schriberg & Lloyd,2002),Burn proposed that transformational leadership involves two essential elements, first is it’s relation and second it produces real change. (Schriberg,2002),In broad term, transformational leadership occurs when one interacts