Lead Person Centered Practise

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Lead person centred practise Explain person-centred practice:- Person centred practice is all about having a focus upon individual needs. All individuals have different needs, wishes, choices, likes and dislikes. We need to spend time with each individual to learn about them accessing what they can and can’t do for themselves. We need to take all aspects into account like their eating and drinking, mobility, religion, their life history, communication, Medical conditions as well. Person-centred values must apply at all times as it’s about the individuals and what they want. The way I notice that all individuals have their own likes and can make their own choices. The individuals need to have their own independence and are all different in their own ways and we have to respect this. We must respect their dignity and privacy as it is the individual’s right to be treated fairly at all times throughout no matter what. We must treat every individual the same regardless of any medical conditions, religions, culture and life style and deserves the same care and respect. Critically review approaches to person-centred practice:- Review approaches to person centred practice, some individuals may have difficulty in communication whether it is down to their mental capacity, illness, and culture. You may need to have a translator, sign cards, brail, and sign language. It can take all different approaches to be able to have a person centred approach with that individual. We need to do an assessment so we are able to meet every single aspect of their daily living so we can deliver a person centred approach to them on a daily basis. Analyse the effect of legislation and policy on person-centred practice:- Explain how person-centred practice informs the way in which consent is established with individuals:- Person centred practice informs the
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