Law Enforcement Prison Life

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Prison Life By Tyler Nelson What comes to mind when you think of prison life? The typical stereotype is orange jump suits, bar wire fences and a small cell to live in. Prison life depending on the facility and state can vary in different ways. My goal is to share with you some insight into the daily life of living in prison. Prison is a place of residence and work where the majorities of prisoners’ have similar situations of crime but are cut off from society for various periods of time. Their society is then within the walls of the prison and they have to learn and adapt to the various societies within the facility. The convict code is a set of values, norms, and roles that regulate the way inmates interact with each other and with the prison staff. Each prisoner has lived in various environments and social surroundings that is different so they have to figure out how to adapt to this confined space amongst their new society. No one is born a prisoner but each of us live in certain societies and choose the people we associate with. The people we associate with plays a huge part in what we become. As the saying goes, “Your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habit, your habit becomes your character, and your character becomes your destiny. It is very important to know who your friends are and choose them carefully. Violence or crime is what got you into prison and when you live in that society, there is still violence and victimization that goes on inside the prison. Since the late 2000’s there has been more physical violence amongst inmates than in earlier years. Reasons have been for improper management, over-crowded facilities and gang activity. Some common reasons are to demonstrate power or dominance over others, get back at those who they think have wronged them, or to prevent being raped

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