Late Adulthood Interview

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PSY 375 January 26, 2013 Interview Transcript • What is your definition of aging? “Getting older and wiser. It is not simply aging by numbers.” She explains aging is a “whole process, growing spiritually and physically.” Ernestine pondered for a brief moment and stated that, “aging is progressing though time and years.” • What are you key accomplishments? Ernestine is not a drama queen and does not like to brag. She considers her daughters, grandchildren and family as accomplishments. Just living to be 66 is a great accomplishment in her opinion. She still drives and works as a caregiver to two women she met during one of Lee’s stays in hospice. She attends church regularly and volunteers in the community shelter.…show more content…
This stage begins around the age of 65 and continues until death. Late adulthood or the senior years have unique characteristics and development patterns. The senior years are often seen as a time of physical and mental decline; however, many tactics and approaches to healthy living can promote longevity. The myths associated with aging and late adulthood being the closing chapter of life along with ageism are intriguing. This paper will reflect on late adulthood and some challenges faced as individuals progress into the final developmental stage. Mrs. Ernestine Pellum is a classy representation of seasoned women. She is a Black female born in rural Texas in 1937. She is the third child of four born to a Southern Baptist, “poor working class” family. Her father was a laborer by trade and farmer. Her mother, Dorothy, was a “full-time parent and unspoken wife” that proudly ran the house. As Ernestine explained, the wife was responsible for the day-to-day operations of the household and taking care of her husband’s needs. Her strong faith and work ethics are complements of her mother, auntie and minister…show more content…
She has two daughters and one living sibling. She has endured and prevailed through many personal tragedies. Her husband’s four year battle with Alzheimer’s forced her to become a primary care giver. The death of her mother and two brothers during her childhood forced her to mature early; she learned to grieve and recover quickly because she took on the responsibility of raising her sister. Ernestine still maintains a healthy lifestyle; she is well in all aspects of mind, body and soul despite those devastations. She credits her good health and positive attitude to her commitment to Jesus, servicing others, daily exercise, proper diet, and prayer. Ernestine’s strong mentality is evident in her actions and behavior; she has drive and is committed to being the best at all she does. She desires to “keep up with society.” She is eager to learn to use a computer, the Internet, newly purchased cell-phone, and E-mail. The most profound theme she discussed during the interview was her love and dedication to her family and church. Her dutiful involvement with her Church has given her strength and encouragement. Belonging to a Christian church and being a part of a spiritual family plays a vital role in living and enhances survival. The church is where she met her recently deceased husband and best friend. The personal interview with Ernestine was a meaningful opportunity that I am grateful for. She presented an

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