Language Technology Essay

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1 Language Technology by Pooja Rauthan [pic] 2 Language Technology by Pooja Rauthan TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction………………………………………………………………............. 3 2. Language Development with growth in technology…………………………..…. 4 3. Effects of Technology on Language…………………………………..………..... 6 4. Salient features of Modern Language Technology……………………………...…7 5. Effect of Modern Language on ‘Silent Languages’…………….……………….....9 6. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………11 7. References…………………………………………………………………………12 3 Language Technology by Pooja Rauthan 1. Introduction: Ever since the evolution of Man, it has been his innate quality to learn, evolve further and communicate his desires to his fellow beings. Through the ages, it has been documented that Man was capable to express his experiences through an organized system of communication. Language is thought to have originated when early hominids first started analyzing the strength of group behaviorism and shared intentionality (Brentano, 1874). There are evidences of Man’s ability to communicate and respond in groups as early as the stone ages which are inscribed in the form of cave paintings. Evidences of group activities such as hunting, fire making and family activities corresponding to making fur clothing, gathering food, etc can be seen on the scribbled art form. This only goes on to prove that Man through the ages is the only living being capable of communicating coherently as an individual and in groups. Over the centuries the Human language has developed into a highly elaborate and arbitrary system of speech sounds, signals and written structures. Human language is a highly developed and elaborate system of speech sounds and signaling. The arbitrariness and dual patterning of this system has made it unique and also peculiar, attributing to the design features of human language.
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