Language And Intercultural Communication

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Language and Intercultural Communication I feel extremely honored to explain my viewpoint of “Language and Intercultural communication” which we covered in class. So I would like to talk about how language affects intercultural communication. As noted in chapter 6, language use plays an important role in intercultural communication; it is closely tied with our and others’ identities as we saw in the chapter on identity, and it is also related to the groups we belong to and our social place in society. In a world of multiple languages, we sometimes think that successful communication is just a matter of whether people speak the same language or not. However, communication is much more language. Based on the textbook, intercultural communication involves far more than merely language, but language clearly cannot be overlook as a central element in the process. Chapter six of the textbook focuses on the verbal aspects of intercultural communication. Language is often considered the core concept in intercultural communication. It has been defined in many ways – from a pattern of perceptions that influence communication to a site of contestation and conflict. Because it is a complex concept, it is important to reflect on the centrality of language in our own interactions. Language is more than merely one aspect of the practice of intercultural communication. (Intercultural Communication in Contexts) Language and Intercultural Communication promotes an interdisciplinary understanding of the interplay between language and intercultural communication. It therefore welcomes research into intercultural communication, particularly where it explores the importance of linguistic aspects; and research into language, especially the learning of foreign languages, where it explores the importance of intercultural perspectives. Chapter six is alert
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