Lady Gaga vs. Madonna

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Subject-by-Subject The Queen of Pop vs. The Queen of Pop Did you know Lady Gaga is the only artist in the digital era to top the 5 million sales mark with her first two hits, “Poker Face” and “Just Dance”? Conversely, Madonna has made some great strides in the music business as well, especially during the years ‘85-’86 when her song, “Like a Virgin”, became one of the biggest hits of ’85 as well as appearing in her first movie, Desperately Seeking Susan. Although Madonna and Lady Gaga both specialize in glorifying the dance pop genre, play heavily to the gay audience and deal with marketing, reinvention and having their own specific image, Lady Gaga is the better artist because her theatrics on stage are superior, she isn’t afraid to push the boundaries and her lyrics are of greater quality. Firstly, Madonna’s theatrics on stage are hardly exciting. She is double Lady Gaga’s age and is unable to perform choreography on the same caliber as younger artists. Furthermore, Madonna’s costumes have become dull and uncreative. The bodysuit was sexy fifteen years ago but it’s time to retire that costume and adopt something that will bring some excitement to her stage theatrics. On the other hand, a great performer involves her audience as well as loves her audience which is exactly what Lady Gaga does. She energizes her audience through her theatrics because she wants her shows to “be an entire experience from [the] minute you walk in [the] front door to [the] minute [she] begin[s] to sing. And when it’s all over, everyone’s going to press rewind and relive it again” (Gaga). Lady Gaga's costumes are more outrageous and daring than Madonna's. From her 10 inch heels to her inventive hair styles (“bow” hairstyle, array of hair colours, high-sky hair) to her clothing that could consist of Swarovski crystals, spikes, fringe and latex. Moreover, the array of costumes isn’t

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