Lab Seven: Cell Transport Mechanisms And Permeabil

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LAB SEVEN: Cell Transport Mechanisms and Permeability This week, we are studying cell membrane transport. In addition to the items listed in the iLab tab, your “summary” assignment is to answer the following questions after completing the first lab. This is due by_______. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of the course page. 1. Differential permeability a and b. (3 points) a. Is also called selective permeability b. Refers to the ability of the plasma membrane to select what passes through it. c. Implies that all substances pass through membranes without hindrance d. Keeps wastes inside the cell and nutrients outside the cell 2. Passive transport includes a, b, and e. (3 points) a. Osmosis b. Simple diffusion c. Bulk-phase endocytosis d. Pinocytosis e. Facilitated diffusion 3. What is the main difference between facilitated diffusion and active transport? (3 points) Facilitated diffusion - goes from high concentration to low concentration, doesn't require ATP. Active transport - goes from low to high concentration, requires ATP 4. What is the main difference between simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion? (3 points) Simple diffusion moves molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration without an input of energy. Facilitated diffusion follows the same rules as regular diffusion (higher to lower concentration and no energy input), but uses protein carrier molecules to allow substances that are fat soluble to diffuse through the cell membrane. 5. List three examples of passive transport mechanisms. (3 points) • Movement of O2 through membrane • Movement of glucose into cells • Movement of H2O in & out of cells • Formation of kidney filtrate 6. How can the concentration of water in a solution be decreased? (3 points) Concentration of water in a

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