Lab Exercise Essay

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Laboratory Exercise No. 11 Higher Surveying Problem : ANALYTICAL METHOD OF PLOTTING CONTOURS Objective : To learn the analytical method of interpolation (or spacing) contour lines proportionally between points of known locations and elevations. LAB EXERCISE OUTLINE A. INSTRUMENTS & ACCESSORIES : Triangles, straight edge, metric scale, divider, pencil, pen, eraser, tracing paper, cartolina, scotch or making tape, and electronic calculator. B. PROCEDURE : 1. This problem is an indorr lab exercise which highlights a type of office/ drafting work required in topographic mapping. It will be assumed that the given data were taken from an actual field observation. 2. The lab instructor has the option to use the prepared darta, revise it, or give a new set of data. 3. The accompanying tabulation gives elevations or points over the area of a 50m by 60m tract of land. The elevations were obtained by the grid method using 3-m squares. Point A-1 is located at the northwest corner of the lot and pont G-6 at the southeast corner. All elefations are in meters. 4. The requirements for this lab exercise are: a. Construct a contour map using a horizontal scale of 1:125 with a contour interval of 20 meters. The proportional spacing of contour lines must only be determined analytically. b. The contour map should be drawn on a grid layout (see accompanying sketch). All necessary map marginal information, elevation of points, labeling of horizontal and vertical grid lines, and etc. must likewise be indicated. c. Use tracing paper with dimensions of at least 46 cm by 54 cm, and arrange the paper so the the longer side is vertical. d. Indicate the elevations of the following index contours: 1300, 1400 ad 1500m. the thickness of these index contours should be drawn heavier than the

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