Kraljic Model Essay

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The Kraljic Matrix from Peter Kraljic was first described in an article "Purchasing must become Supply Management" in the Harvard Business Review (Sep-Oct 1983). The Kraljic Model can be used to analyze the purchasing portfolio of a firm. The Kraljic framework is based on two dimensions for classifying a firm's purchased materials or components (see figure): Profit Impact: "The strategic importance of purchasing in terms of the value added by product line, the percentage of raw materials in total costs and their impact on profitability". Supply Risk: "The complexity of the supply market gauged by supply scarcity, pace of technology and/or materials substitution, entry barriers, logistics cost or complexity, and monopoly or oligopoly conditions". The model then distinguishes between the following 4 product categories: 1. Leverage Items. Definition: Leverage Items are products that represent a high percentage of the profit of the buyer and there are many suppliers available. It is easy to switch supplier. The quality is standardized. Buyer-seller power situation: buyer dominated, moderate level of interdependency. Recommended purchasing strategy: Tender, vendor selections, targeted pricing, umbrella agreement with preferred suppliers. Call-off orders are then placed as an administrative formality. 2. Strategic Items. Definition: Strategic Items are products that are crucial for the process or product of the buyer. They are characterized by a high supply risk caused by scarcity or difficult delivery. Buyer-seller power situation: balanced power, high level of interdependency Recommended purchasing strategy: Strategic Alliance, close relationships, early supplier involvement, Co-Creation, consider Vertical Integration, long-term value focus. 3. Non-critical Items. Definition: Non-critical

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