Kong Kids Phenomenon

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Kong Kids Phenomenon At the end of 2010, a snowstorm paralyzed London's Heathrow Airport. Many Hong Kong students eager to go home for Winter Solstice Festival and Christmas were stranded there. The issue generated a litany of complaints from both students and their parents. Some griped about poor arrangements made by airlines, some grumbled that the airport was like a refugee camp. Quite a few parents even called radio programs to urge Hong Kong government to charter a plane to bring back their kids from UK. All these superfluous and alarmist reactions ignited numerous criticisms and debates in Hong Kong, where an overwhelming majority of citizens were critical of the students and their parents. The general consensus was that most Hong Kong students are overly pampered and spoilt, resulting in their lack of self-discipline and independence. These youngsters are thought to be afflicted with the "princess disease" and consequently a new term - "Kong kids" - was coined to describe them. They are deemed to be unable to look after themselves, have low emotional quotients and even lower adversity quotients. The resultant collective soul-searching attributed this state of affairs to parents, who might have had a difficult upbringing themselves, and who were determined to protect their offspring from suffering the same hardships they had undergone. Many parents doted on their children so much, on top of the services rendered by their domestic helpers, that it practically incapacitated the children's self-sufficient skills. The parents are not alone in bearing blame for the reality that our children are living in clover. All of us are basically the sum of our experiences and our socialization process with the world at large. We can identify the primary influences as those coming from the schools, family relations, peer-interaction and other external factors -
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