Knowledge Is Power

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KNOWLEDGE IS POWER “Knowledge is power” is a famous quotation said by Sir Francis Bacon, an English author, statesman, scientist, courtier & philosopher in his Meditationes Sacrae which was written in 1597. This phrase may be an old one; however, its high moral value is never perishable. This quote implies that the ability or potential of a person increases with the attainment of knowledge. Wikipedia defines knowledge as:- “It is a familiarity with someone or something, which can include facts, information, descriptions, or skills acquired through experience or education.” We can also say that knowledge is the awareness of a fact or a situation. It is a rich and unique possession that cannot be stolen or robbed. The growth and survival of mankind depend upon knowledge. Since his early existence on the Earth, man has been in the quest of knowledge continuously. Over the ages, man has struggled to know the unknown and has slowly acquired knowledge about different things in the world. At the dawn of civilization, he lived the life of a nomad in caves and dens. He was afraid of wild animals. Gradually man acquired knowledge and became civilized. It is through the possession of knowledge that man has been able to rule over the nature. It was on account of his curiosity and inner desire to acquire knowledge that civilization has developed to its modern stage. Man has been able to explore land, water and space by virtue of his knowledge. Physically, man is a weak animal as compared to other animals. He cannot be matched to lion and elephant in strength. He cannot fly like the birds nor run like horse and cheetah. Yet he conquers the entire world. It is his intelligence and superior knowledge that make him the master of creatures superior to him in physical strength. Knowledge plays a significant role in raising the standard of living. Knowledge makes one’s life
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