Knidian Aphrodite Essay

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Arts 3TC Instructor Mjelde April 15, 2013 Knidian Aphrodite response Knidian Aphrodite is known to be the first nude goddess sculpture ever created. A Greek sculptor named Praxiteles sculpted this work of art during 4th century BC, and it was made in marbles. The sculpture became famous for its beauty, and meant to be appreciated from every angle. It is the first life-size form statue of a nude female, representing the goddess of Love Aprhrodite. The statue is in the process of bathing that restored her purity. Despite holding a drape in her left hand, she respectfully covered her genitalia with her right hand. Although this was such a beautiful work, the original was never found. There are only copies of the work of art. Prexiteles created two versions of this sculpture, one fully draped and the other completely nude for the citizens of Kos. They were shocked to see the nude figure of Aphrodite and rejected it; instead they bought the one fully draped one. The rejected one was purchased by the citizens of Knidos and placed in the open for everyone to observe the image of the goddess from every side. The Knidian Aphrodite became so famous that they built a temple around the work of art. The goddess is set in the middle of it, a beautiful work of marble, with a slight smile to show her pride in being nude. To conclude, Knidian Aphrodite made Prexiteles famous because of her beauty being appreciated for every way. The citizens of Knidos purchasing the work of art was also a factor. It became well-known they bought a nude figure of a female to be viewed as a religious figure which shocked everyone and it gave Prexiteles a great

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