Kite Runner Essay

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Analyse how one or more symbols were used to present an important idea Friendship is like a pomengranate fruit. If you eat a pomengranate then it can make you happy however if it gets broken its beauty is lost. If this is a quote it needs quotation marks around it. Marc Forster’s, “The Kite Runner” Only underline – you don’t need the quotation marksuses the symbol of a pomengranate tree to present the important idea of friendship vs. betrayal through the main characters, Amir and Hassan’s friendship. When the pomengranate tree is not broken we see how beautiful the friendship between the boys is. In contrast when a the? pomengranate is crushed or when it no longer exists this symbolises the end of Amir and Hassan’s friendship. At the start of the film, the pomengranate is a symbol of the beautiful nature of Amir and Hassan’s friendship. Despite the elements of caste, the boys share happy times together and enjoy each other’s company. The tree is lush and blooming which is paralleled with the boys lives which are full of promise and its branches provide shelter for the boys away from the bullies and Amir’s dads domineering influence. At this point, the pomengranate is not crushed and this parallels thein other words, there is still a relationship between the boys. The boys closeness can be demonstrated in the film as they carve into the pomengranate tree “Amir and Hassan, the Sultans of Kabul” and a close up shot shows this. Through the pomengranate tree symbolises, we find out about the important idea of friendship vs. betrayal. At the beginning the tree is whole and strong. Once there is betrayal in the friendship, and the friendship is crushed, the audience are presented with a crushed tree. because the betrayal stage of the friendship only occurs when the pomengranate is crushed and this has not taken place yet. Forster shows us the beautiful nature
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