Kite Runner- Betrayal, Guilt And Redemption

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Night Eliezer is a teenager that lived in a little town in Transylvania, where he spends his childhood. at the beginning of the book Eliezer is a normal religious person, “By day I stu-died Talmud and by night I would run to the synagogue to weep over the destruction of the temple” (pg,3). this little fragment of the text show us that yes, in fact, Eliezer is a very reli-gious and faithful boy; but his faith passes through several changes that make him become another person. his faith, his beliefs and his environment change throughout the book . “He had watched me one day as I prayed at dusk. Why do you cry when you pray? He asked, as though he knew me well. I don’t know I answered troubled”(pg,4).this text shows you that Eliezer was a boy that prays with all his heart ,and that he likes to speak with GOD. this text also shows that the environment where he is an environment that makes it easy for him to praise and speak to GOD. this tells that in this environment, his faith will not be tested and he does not have any reason to get away from GOD because he has all he wants. “For the first time, I felt anger rising within me. Why should I sanctify his name? The almighty, the eternal and terrible master of the universe, Eliezer chose to be silent. What was there to thank him for?” (pg, 33). The whole scenery changes. he is no longer in his town. but in a concentration camp called Auschwitz; where babies where being burnt alive . he is not anymore in a comfortable place and he is not free to praise and speak to GOD, now it is obvious that he is not that believer that is seen in the first part of the book. He doubts in his faith and turns against GOD. he is now mad at GOD because he can not believe that this is happening and the
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